

How can you help contribute to this event?

Putting on these events takes a significant amount of time, money and thought. The short answer to how you can help out is by offering one of those three things (time, money, or thought) to the family!

Time - Often, activities will take time to set up, reservations will take time to research, and even cooking the meals we eat takes time to do as well. If you are willing and able, please sign up to lend your time as needed. There is a section to put preferences, but please know that the needs of the family outweigh any individual preference.

Money - The estimated per person cost (including house rental, meals, supplies, prizes, et ) is $____. These costs are all paid up front by out sponsors ______, _______, and _______ — but it is incredibly helpful for them to be able to recuperate some of that money through contributions from the rest of the family. Please contribute what you can, but also please understand that there are more ways to help out than just financially!

Thought - Events and activities are my favorite parts of all reunions. While these are some of the more fun parts, they are also some of the most difficult to put together. How do you plan and organize a talent show? How do you handle the logistics of a buffet style dinner feeding scores of people? These are all things that take a lot of energy to think about, and if you would like to be a part of that process, we would be happy to have you!